tbh twenty one pilot’s music meant A LOT to me Especially in middle school. their music made me feel like i wasn’t so alone. to see now how shitty tyler is being and how hes handling this really fucken hurts. tyler, you’re letting so many people down. +
you mocked the fans asking you to use your large social platform for a good cause. you had the potential to make a huge change, but you chose to let your fans down. you had the chance to apologize and make it right, but you chose to let your fans down. +
but you didn’t stop there. you manipulated so many people. mental health issues are so important, but now was not the time. instead of owning up to it, you changed the subject. you tried to make others feel bad, claiming that somehow you can’t care about both that and blm. +
both issues are SO important, but suddenly bringing up mental health when you’re trying to get out of trouble is wrong. mental health is real and serious- not your excuse to be an asshole. i would expect you of all people to understand that. +
i cant even begin to imagine how much pain this is causing to his black fans. to anyone affected by his actions, im truly sorry. if you need anything i’m here, whether that be rt a gofundme/petition or even to just listen, im here. +
tyler joseph, i want you to see how much pain you caused. you’re showing the people who cared about you that you don’t care about them. your silence on such important issues means that you’ve chosen the side of the oppressor. it’s like you said, “sometimes quiet is violent.”
sorry this thread has been so long. this has just been very upsetting. if you’re reading this know you’re loved, stay safe, and lastly always remember that black lives matter. now and always. please drop any black persons gofundme that needs more attention !!
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