I keep coming back to the fact that the Federal government guidelines says that the lowest layer of protection - a term our PHO uses - is masks. They also mention 2 m distancing. Why must #BCEd schools meet this low bar when private schools are wxpwcting higher standards? https://twitter.com/realreporter/status/1301014268490313728
We see in this #SD43 #BCEd eg that Principals cannot exceed the PHO's expectations This has a [fill in 1940s political term that I'm not going to say] feel to it. Should we be surprised that SD43 parents are fleeing in droves to the Transition option? https://bit.ly/31ScuRm 
This is why I started this thread. https://twitter.com/bcfamilymedia/status/1301003113462075393?s=19 I thought that I had things sorted. Provide mask AND face shield. Expect lower numbers as per Rob Fleming's projections. Now I hear rumblings that classes may still be large. Then this feeling took over. #genx movie ref.
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