the only "white outside agitators" are, ironically, members of the professional media class, whose reporting on the protests is guided by their pathological narcissism and social function as ideologists of the ruling class to manufacture consent. as chomsky notes in the book:
this is reinforced by what bourdieu termed a "structural amnesia" inherent to the professional media class' being, whereby reality is presented as a "series of absurd events" intended to be depoliticizing by instilling a view of the world as intrinsically chaotic and unchangeable
the last point, that the world shown by the professional media class is one that lies beyond the grasp of ordinary individuals, encouraging the view that it's an affair for professionals and not mere spectators, is a key element of bourgeois ideology, as discussed by chomsky here
and it's the same critique of bourgeois democracy made by the marxist tradition, as expressed here by lenin. see the rest of the thread for more details
btw those excerpts from bourdieu are from his book "on television", which is essential reading: some more excerpts below re a case study of how a strike was rendered (and distorted). this is how a jake tapper on cnn and joe scarborough on msnbc operate
see also this thread for another group who fall under the category of "outside agitators": cops and feds
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