@cmarinucci A lot of law grads in CA would be VERY grateful for a mention in CA Playbook. @CaSupremeCourt is denying 1000s of would-be attys their bar licenses w/o any explanation after these attys made the bar cut score. #HR103 was passed by CA Assembly to rebuke the Court on 9/1
The @CaSupremeCourt has also refused to respond to countless activists, lawyers, students, virtually every CA law school dean, professors, former @StateBarCA Trustees, @ACLU_CAP, etc. The SC is facing heightened lobbying in light of its dumbfounding decision and zero explanation.
This is not to mention that the Court is completely ignoring many of the socio-economic and racial inequities of their inaction and the fact that we are facing record unemployment, COVID, etc. There is widespread speculation that @CaSupremeCourt may be colluding with @StateBarCA
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