Its quite cute how British right-wingers still think that Thatcher was a conservative. What did she conserve? I would love to know.
Unbridled free-market capitalism - which she unleashed in this country - is a revolutionary force which feeds upon creative destruction. ‘All that is solid melts into air, all that is holy is profaned.’ MT may have seen herself as a conservative but she was assuredly a radical.
Cultural conservatism and ultra-economic liberalism go together like oil & water. You may want to recreate the world of your father in Grantham but what you end up doing is creating the world of your son, Mark.
The political philosophy of conservatism is not concerned with the task of conserving anything. You heard it here first.
What did Thatcher ‘conserve’? I’ll wait.
Thatcher ‘preserved the nuclear family’ allegedly. Im not sure how introducing financial/employment insecurity to the lives of millions - 3 million unemployed in 1983 - helped the stability of family life for the ppl impacted by her economic reforms tbh.
Thatcher allegedly once slammed down Hayek’s ‘Constitution of Liberty’ on a table during a cabinet/policy meeting & declared “this is what we believe.” The irony ofc is that Hayek was very clear that he was not, in fact, a conservative. Which says it all.
Whats this guy’s problem? I dont think Ive ever interacted with him. Yet he snarks about me behind a block. Bit cowardly dude. Many such cases! Sad!
If you have an argument, make it. Im not unapproachable. Snarking like a 15 year old boy behind a block is a bit unbecoming for an adult bloke, or at least it should be. Childish. Pathetic.
The snark is: expecting conservatives to conserve is being excessively literal-minded. I dont think it is. No more literal-minded than expecting the Liberal-Democrats to stand for liberalism or the Labour party to stand for the working-class. The clue is meant to be in the name.
What is that the Conservative party stands for? Do they even know themselves? I honestly don't think they do.
Vote conservative but get radical change. Whats the point in the trade descriptions act eh? Lol
Even now, self-professed ‘conservatives‘ are not interested in conserving anything, least of all institutions, whether it be the NHS or the BBC or our relationship with Europe. They want radical change. Rob Saunders bang on the money here.
Robert Saunders is right, British conservatism has been completely hollowed out. Focused on free-market economics & little else.
One last tweet on this thread just to sum up my argument. Thatcherism, as Thatcher herself perceived it, was the attempt to achieve conservative ends via neoliberal means. My point is that I don't believe it lead to any conservative outcomes, in this sense it was a failure imo.
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