Who says you can't?
That was the book sent to me by @FATEFoundation and yesterday was the book review class.

The author @FrankNneji who was the Founder of @ABCTransportPlc was such an amazing man. His story was so inspiring and educative. He founded Rapido Ventures at age 23
Lessons from the Book:
1. Be curious, ask question to know more.
2. Have a positive mind set and work towards your goals, no matter what happen
3. Everyone pays a price. You need to leave your comfort zone and fun life, if you realy want to be successful in Biz

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4. Never get discourage or loose faith. Be determined and focus.
5. Money is not evething. Create value and impact lives, money will follow.
6. Innovations is what turn business into a market leader.
7. Have a good brand and spend on advertisement.

Just a tip of an iceberg.
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