Woman, take care of yourself. Not the cosmetic self care (which I love), pay close attention to your physical wellbeing. We all talk about how younger women are shedding the ‘endurance’ mentality but there’s more work to do. A vast majority of married women...
still endure things that can change. They see these things as small but little drops make an ocean. Ignoring that persistent back pain, migraine, constant fatigue, dizziness, while you multi-task and complain about your husband not helping out won’t change your situation
It didn’t change the situation of our mothers. They were the chief complainers and master multi-taskers , but it mostly led them to hospital beds and early graves later in life. The ones who didn’t end up there carry with them contagious bitterness.
It’s tempting and tbh easier to do what has always been done but this will give you the same results you despise, the only difference is that you use better technology to complain and multitask, then might get a trending hashtag when you die.
If your back hurts, head aches etc, communicate this and take a break to take care of it. If this means the kids won’t get a bath early or breakfast is cancelled because your spouse won’t step in, so be it. You’re not a bad mama.
If you’re on your period and you’re tired, it’s not ‘normal noooow’. Stay in bed and care for your body, your uterus is doing rigorous work, it’s just out of sight. If they call you “kera kera” take it as a compliment.
My point is, don’t dismiss/endure pain because those before you endured it and it’s expected you do the same. Sometimes the expectation comes from yourself. Here’s your permission to let it go.
Things might break when you start to do this but it’s for the better. If you don’t do this what you’re trading off is your physical wellbeing. I have spoken to older women who wish they took better care of their physical health.
One woman eventually had a stroke and decided to leave the man and damn the society she was conditioned to please for 30+ years. She needed a near-death experience to make her pay attention. Let’s learn. We don’t have to make the same mistakes my sisters.
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