#Russia has its own issues with the @UN. Fact is on #Ukraine , #Ossetia etc we too haven't gone all out in supporting #Moscow.
Neither have we put our cards on the line to choose #Israel over #Palestine.
Why single out Russia for doing to us what we do to them often? https://twitter.com/YusufDFI/status/1301314738509365248
Fact is the business with Russia was bound to become more transactional as more & more nations opened up their arms bazaars to us. That said we must not forget that when our chips were down in the 1990's & post Pokharan -2 it was only France & Russia that rose in our support.
The Indian Naval nuclear submarine program was supported by Russia when nobody else would help in that regard. While it is true that off late they've been balancing us with China , we've done the same in balancing them with the USA .
International relations cannot & should not be looked at as an " all or nothing" paradigm . Multiple European nations including Germany & Sweden have often raised concerns against India on various fora . Have we stopped using Carl Gustafs? Have we stopped working with TKMS ?
Nations tread their own path on issues as & where they see their larger long term goals being satiated.
In this I have little doubt that @KremlinRussia_E knows that without India as a bulwark the Dragon will soon move to secure portions of Siberia as well .We can help each other
As India grows larger & hopefully attains VETO status itself we shall find ourselves in a decision maker position on multiple conflicts . Understanding nuances & their longer term impact upon India will be necessary for our foreign service as well.
Creating hardened opinions isn't going to serve anyone's long term benefit. We will need to build balances ourselves as well . Helping one does not mean ignoring the other. I see Russia acting maturely in it's own interests here, just as any sane nation should.
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