1/ The Kibaki succession ploy started in 2009, just a year after the disputed 2008/09 elections. In this 2009 video, you will see that Kibaki was already using the STATE to give Uhuru/Ruto a headstart. Where was V.P Kalonzo? #ResignOrShutUp
2/ Mt. Kenya was very keen to use Ruto for post-Kibaki, and they did. The Ruto group went in wholesale, and did everything to rock ODM.
Ruto acquired the public land to build Weston around this time. The state was desperate to have him, and asked him his price. He gave them.
3/ Even though Ruto wrestled Rift Valley from Raila, the one thing he couldn’t do was to destroy ODM. Destroying ODM is the one good/product the state purchased from Ruto but Ruto never delivered. And it is not that Ruto never tried. He did, for 11yrs, and failed! @Mosotah
4/ ODM is headed to a 3rd pres. election a formidable mass movement with its strongholds intact, its battlegrounds rickety and its enemy grounds up for grabs, and more importantly, with the possibility that for the first time ever, its arch enemy - the deepstate - a new ally.
5/ On the contrary, William Ruto is headed to his first presidential contest in the backdrop of a bitter fallout with the Uhuru state, with his men now all out daring the sitting president, with him fueling the fire in the background. Will he succeed? @janbosire
6/ For a man who has been a state project for the last 11 years, Ruto is the easiest to destroy. His wealth is state produced. His politics, until Handshake, had been state funded. Ruto without the state is just beginning to unravel, and it’s sad to watch. @EricNgeno hehe 😋
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