I'm not a strong super start software engineer and honestly idc lol. I used to care like 1 year ago, but now since December 2019..I've come to the conclusion that I am not in competition with anybody but myself.
I am not in love with products or companies.
the business will and can make money with or without me.
I care about myself and my progression.

To me, that's all that matters when it comes to my career
so even if.. some guy who knew how to code since he was 5 is finishing his work before me ..I am not in a competition to be faster or smarter than him.

I only care to perform better than I did yesterday and the day before that.
That's totally been working for me, and it's a big part of why I like being remote. I spent a lot of time just mulling over the fact that everyone seemed to know what was going on..or "imagining" negative vibes from ppl that they want me to work faster
i work wayyy faster at home + everyday I'm impressing myself. no clue about how fast my coworkers are going..and frankly, i don't care.
like what's the point of being anxious that you're not at a certain milestone? you will get there. two years ago, I was like how am i even gonna pass an interview..or bootcamp..then i was like i how am gonna finish school..then i was like how am i gonna navigate a codebase
it all worked out..when i was just patient with myself.

I'm getting comfy with impostor syndrome. it's not really going to "disappear", but I've accepted the fact that idk everything..i never will..but I DO know how to find the answers..
because my greatest strength is that I'm resourceful af...And I just have to keep to using that to my advantage.
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