Last year I traveled so much, I didn't remember much of anything. a blur of "did I watch this movie in real life?" always near family but usually not there.

A zero travel year since Feb has been interesting. The car I usually just moved to make sure tires don't rot is now in use
This is the first time in 5 years I routinely use a car, though I've owned owe last 5 years. I fill the tank once in 2 weeks now instead of once in 2-3 months. I don't really consider using a plane, now considering up to 4.5hrs driver reasonable. Even considering ferries and such
planes domestically run, but they remain packed sardine cans and don't feel like doing it when maximum drive to any city in my state is like 9hrs (upside down horseshoe path). Plus most cities are crap, the main thing is to get to a nicer park, and even the ones near are nice
this weekend I will spend some hours getting here. It is a hard drive, but safe the whole way. If I traveled like I did last year, surely I'd never see it. It would cost a fortune to travel to a similar place and get a similar experience
a bit of a ramble, but I think constant travel has some side effects including you don't remember much of anything. You still don't see your family, and often you pay too much to see things that are similar to what you can get too pretty easily YMMV
as a bonus I've triggered every grammatically inclined follower at least 4 times in this thread!
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