Since this is coming back up I would like to mention this screenshot he posted earlier.
R/ddit is one of my triggers.
Literally writing fanfiction about me and my boyfriend going to a restaurant and eating rat shit
Lying to make me look bad 😍
Allow me to expand on the above
Tw self harm.
We called him out on his bullshit. He faked self harm to guilt trip and get attention. When I called him out, he acted like we were pressuring him to self harm.
No fucking idea what the backstabbing is about. He backstabbed me lots.
The attention thing is interesting because I hate lots of attention
I'll expand on this thread later. I'm tired rn
In this period of time:
Current tldr fuck matchiekat
Oh yeah and this (not my screenshot)
Felt like elaborating on the sh guilt tripping. Obvious tw for self harm.
tw self harm
When someone wouldn't date him when he asked, (I will not be saying any names) he would use self harm to guilt trip them. This obviously isn't okay. He did this to three people on four occasions
kinda glad he broke up with me ngl Tori and Jason are so much better
Hey oomfs that follow him for.. whatever reason... Can you tell me if he decides to tweet about me again
he keeps apologizing when we decide to try and cut off contact. I'm not gonna fall for it again (◕ᮗ◕✿)
uhh the fanfiction.
Tw disgusting unsanitary nsfw and it's just horrid
This was about Jason logging into discord and I asked him if he wanted to go to Neil's restaurant where they sell rat shit and uh apparently me and Jason ate it.
I would provide screenshots but when he was banned the messages were auto deleted.
Here's evidence there *was* a fic there tho
I don't have much else to say. The @ is @Ch3Kat and the discord tag is PUPPERs#8257. ID is 727717901682868295. Again, even though I don't have much else to say, this is not a complete thread yet
I had something I wanted to add but I forgot ):
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