[2] This is the second time I rank active scientists and researchers in the Greater Copenhagen region. It is calculated from the number of Twitter followers and LinkedIn followers (not connections). My ranking for Denmark will be released next week.
[3] The ‘TwiLi Index’— pronounced like ‘twilight’ without a ‘t’ — is my work of love (so give it some love :)). The 2020 release has two tables, a top 100 for Copenhagen (now released) and a top 100 for Denmark (soon). More about the methodology here: http://mikeyoungacademy.dk/the-twili-index-a-new-method-to-count-scientists-social-media-following/
[4] I may have missed one or two active researchers with high follower numbers in the Copenhagen area. If you know someone who should be on this list (maybe you!), direct message me, or write to [email protected]. I appreciate any feedback on this project.
[5] Congratulations to @aldo369369369, @FinnsAngle, @Bogers, @KThorborg, @MwiWind, @henninglangberg, @jesperjuul, @aidnography, @Dunia_Duara, @Carsten_Rahbek for making it to the very top in 2020!
[6] The index also includes these top Copenhagen scientists and researchers (and many others!): @SuneAuken, @Kai_Hockerts, @RebAdlerNissen, @rkadelhi, @HumanomicsMap, @RoslynLayton, @KA_Nicholas, @HakimAbdi, @LarsLAndersen, @flyverbom
[7] P.S. The Copenhagen social media index of scientists and researchers also includes @BjarkeMoeller, @EvolvedBiofilm, @rasmuselling, @barbara_plank, @KRichardsonC, @LindorffLarsen, @scmresearcher, @MikkelVedby, @Lennhag, @c_bueger
[8] P.P.S And honourable mention for making it on to the #TwiLiIndex goes to @DrLegidoQuigley, @MuscleBiology, @Bringselius, @pedromoliveira, @RuneStahl, @PabloINik, @MariaEscEsc, @GlobalMedia_, @IAugenstein, @DalgaardCarl Stay tuned!
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