Total mortality early 2020 vs previous years in Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Estonia, weekly and cumulative number of deaths + age-specific for Sweden. 3.9.

All countries close to historic normal levels now (1a). 1/5
I don’t expect these to change a lot during the rest of the year unless something extraordinary happens.

For Sweden, it has been suggested the rest of the year could be lower than average. 2/5
The reasoning is that Covid-19 affected mainly elderly and frail, and this would be seen later on as reduced mortality among the oldest. Might be, but I personally don’t think will fully “compensate” the observed excess during the spring. 3/5
Fig 2a-c: Finland: Weekly total mortality by sex and age early 2020 so far and previous years. 4/5

In Finnish:
Kokonaiskuolleisuus viikoittain; kaikki maat historiallisella keskitasolla nyt (1a). Ylikuolleisuus Ruotsissa verrrattuna aiempiin vuosiin näkyy kuvassa 1b.

En odota merkittäviä muutoksia näissä ellei jotain erityistä tapahdu (korona lähtee leviämään valtavasti tms). 5/5
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