Some of my earliest memories with are in hair salons. My mother was a hairdresser, and for a brief time my parents owned a salon of our own. I remember going with Mom to big supply houses and stocking up on products for the salons helping her pick out what to buy.
My dearest memory in particular is how she would aaalways buy nail polish two at a time — one for me, one for the salon. I was a lucky kid. I has pink streaks in my hair every Spring starting from the second grade. I felt so cool.
I’m grateful my parents let me be expressive with my hair and clothing. It made a lasting impact on who I am. Makes sense why I dye and cut my hair so much and why I have 50+ nail polishes, it’s all I know
This is also why grooming and good hair are soooo attractive to me. I saw a picture of this beautiful man with long locs and it inspired this thread
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