The older generation of women did us a lot of disservice.

A lot of homes had women bringing more money or being the breadwinners. But what did the women do?

When they wanted to give the children money, they gave it to their husbands to give the children in his name.
They wanted to give money for rent, they gave it to the husbands who will then pay the rent in his name.

The women gave the children money to pay school fees in the name of their fathers.

A lot of mothers were actually breadwinners but hid behind "your father gave you."
In most of these situations, these men may not have said to the children "go and thank your mother too", making the children understand that it was dual effort.

Even when the children come to the mother for money,
she would tell them to go to the father even when the money will come from her pocket.

Where did this leave us?

Many younger boys thinking their mothers and women had no contributions in their homes.
Please let me point out that all the unpaid jobs women do at home like cooking are enough contributions. We have only focused on financial contributions as the only contributions.

But for this conversation, let's focus on financial contributions.
Lots of houses, we claim were built by our fathers, may have actually been built by our mothers or at least was a joint contribution.

It is the actual ignorance or faux ignorance of that will make younger men talk how women are not financially proactive in unions.
It is this ignorance that make younger men come on social media and talk recklessly.

You see that guy that said sometime ago that if the mother wants to remarry, she should go back to her father's house not in his father's house?
Don't be surprised the house he calls his father's was built by the mother.

When I think about this, I realise some of our mothers did a lot of disservice to us.
Of course, this also has impact on some younger females too who believe that just as her father appeared to have brought in all the money in the family, a man ought to be solely responsible for sustaining the family financially.
When these females hear us talk about feminism, they don't understand it that now they are expected to show same responsibility in the family.

But I won't dwell on the younger women because in truth, a lot of younger women are still giving their boyfriends money and
passing money under tables for their boyfriends.

Most younger women are still doing these and still giving their boyfriends the praise, recycling this problem.
Don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong in trying to cover your partner's lack but that shouldn't be done by obliterating yourself and your efforts.

If you want to cover him, still tell your children that the money is coming from both of you.
As the child is thanking you, s/he should also thank him, vice versa.

We can't change everything at once but we can be fixing it one after the other and we should be the change we desire.
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