As we debate the merits of strategic planning part of #PlanningReform we need to make sure we understand what SP is how it can be effective. (1) Planning at a regional scale is not the only option & (IMHO) is not the solution we need.
(2) In the SE Plan, regional scale policies worked for things like transport but the sub-regional strategies (dev by LAs) were the most effective mechanism, reflecting local circumstances better.
(3) Effective SP must be done at the right spatial level where it can act as the pivot between national and local ie to give effect to national spatial priorities like Ox-Cam Arc & levelling up & other objectives like tackling climate change, delivering green growth.
(4) SP should also be done at a scale that provides a sufficiently large canvas to test different spatial distributions & ensure development supports sustainable growth - the scatter gin approach in the NPPF & #PlanningForTheFuture does not do this.
(5) SP plays a critical role in bringing together long term priorities & investment strategies around 'place' - infrastructure, economic, environment - ensuring that spatial priorities are aligned with all of these. It is the ringmaster of sustainable growth.
(6) SP offers a mechanism to bring together all those with key responsibilities to support growth building stronger collective leadership & investor confidence as a result.
(7) and finally, SP is about managing cross boundary developments and infrastructure. Whatever new system is put in place, it has to have all of these purposes or it will fail as the Duty to Cooperate has for the last 10 years.
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