Is disbelief worse than all other sins combined? [Thread]

I'll condense my argument into 2 major points since apes do be having problems with comprehension and then expand on each point separately.
1.Severity of crimes is a hierarchy and that hierarchy is determined by God(objective morality)

2. Is it logically justifiable that disbelief is the greatest of sins ? Yes.
Preemptive refutation:

One of the responses I'll definitely get from these troglodytes is "bUT God nO rEaL".

1.We're arguing from within a theological paradigm so it makes no sense to ask this question.

2. My second point focuses on the logical validity of my claim
"Severity of a crimes is a hierarchy" is premise everyone accepts. Some crimes are inherently more severe than others. Therefore there must be a "severest crime" and a "least severest crime"

I'll divide this major point into subsets so its easier to digest.
1a. Is disbelief a crime?
Yes. I'll justify this in two ways so another two subsets lol.

1.a.a. The only appropriate relationship you can have with a being of supreme grandeur is one of submission given that said being is both omnipotent and omniscient.
1.a.b The only appropriate relationship you can have with your supreme provider is one of appreciation. Rejection is disbelief and disbelief is ungratefulness.
1.b is disbelief a high tier crime?
Yes. I'll justify this in two subsets as well.

1.b.a: Based on scripture (objective morality).Yes it's that easy.

1.b.b. A crime against against a finite being is finite and a crime against an infinite being is infinite.
2. Is "disbelief is the greatest sin" logically justifiable ? I'll divide this into subsets as well.

1.a.The severity of a crime can arguably be based on two things. The intrinsic value of the culprit and the intrinsic value of the one being transgressed against.
A good example of this is the killing of an ant and the killing of a child. The child has more intrinsic value therefore the transgression against the child is more severe.

Now what of a transgression against a being that has the intrinsic maximum value?
1.b A necessary being has the intrinsic maximum value therefore transgressions against said being is by far the severest and as we have established previously disbelief is both disobedience and ungratefulness therefore transgressions.
End of thread. Thx for coming to my Ted talk
This is me with typos syndrome. I won't be held accountable for any typos I make.
And as always all good is from Allah(swt) and my mistakes are mine.
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