A short thread of cats who hate you and me and everything.
The America Wirehair thinks you’re fucking ridiculous
The Arabian Mau has never heard such crass garbage
The Birman literally can’t look at your stupid face. Not for one second.
The Burmilla thinks your children are the absolute crap.
The Chausie’s ears have grown this big trying to hear literally anything other than your constantly enraging voice
You might think the Dragon Li has a cool name, but he thinks your entire family ends with you.
It’s not so much that the Himalayan hates YOU, it’s more that he understands what your species has done to the planet
The Bobtail hates your shirt and her kitten cannot bellieeeeeve your partners shoes.
This adolescent Munchkin stopped listening to your bullshit an hour ago
Jesus I don’t even know what you did to this Lykoi.
Remember that extremely dumb tweet you thought maybe people would laugh at but in retrospect was kinda dumb? Well this Maine Coon saw it and you’re DEAD
“Just ignore the bad man, honey”
“But mom, he’s EVIL”
“I know, we’ll shit on his porch tonight.”
“No absolutely, do continue sharing your thoughts on my appearance” says the Siamese variant whose tone you definitely shouldn’t ignore.
Like, you just said that. Out loud. Those words fell out of your mouth, right in front of this Persian, who was unaware at this moment something stupider than a mouse existed.
These Pixie-Bobs have seen you “recycle” and they fucking know as well as you do that watermelon rinds DO NOT GO THERE.
Frankly, get entirely out of this Savannah’s fucking face.
100% pure suppressed boiling rage
“I see.”
Just. So. Tired. Of. Your. Constant. Bullshit.
“I say good sir, we don’t approve of that type of talk in the Diogenes club! Surely your father raised you better... or did you even know his name, sir?” -this Sphynx
The Turkish Angora has a simple message for you: You pet it, you GET it
The Ukrainian Levkov would like to know what the FUCK you think you’re doing buying a cocktail dress in a pandemic
And finally, the York Chocolate has just realized what a piece of shit you are
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