#Duryodhan Temple

Believe it or not, there are villages in Uttarakhand where Duryodhana has been worshiped as a guardian deity

Duryodhana temple in Jakhol village in Uttarkashi district of Uttarakhand was built by the inhabitants of Saur, who worship Kauravas as...
their ancestors

It is believed that ancestors of the local populace of this region swore allegiance to Duryodhana & have fought besides Kauravas in the Kurushetra War. So when they worship Duryodhana, they are actually being respectful to their ancestors

Locals worship...
Duryodhana not because he is evil but because he is powerful. He is thought to wield power to bring rain or withheld it. Rain is a source of life giving water to locals and their crops

It is also said that temple has been constructed at the place where Duryodhana destroyed..
Pandava's Lakshagriha

It is also believed that the Tamas/Tons River (Tamas means sorrow) was formed by the tears of the natives who cried at defeat of the Kauravas

Places like Osla, Gangar and Datmircan in Uttarakhand too have temples dedicated to Kauravas and Duryodhana.
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