So I keep seeing this going around on facebook and it’s got me thinking...
Maybe it’s just because of the recent re-mainstreaming of the show, but the discourse’s growing emphasis on its diversity has got me feeling ... mixed.
Yes, the show is drawing inspiration from all over the world. It’s putting a spotlight on BIPOC cultures that basically never get to star in American Animation (or /anybody’s/ animation, for that matter).

At the same time: is that really representation?
In the screen-cap at the top of this thread, you might have noticed this little edit that’s been made by a reposter.
In case you didn’t know, a lot of people consider E**** a slur. It’s not particularly common knowledge, but it’s also something you’d expect would come up if you’ve been doing all the extra research involved in putting a thread like this together...
(because, of course, none of this information is actually mentioned /in/ the show)
The point being: this is clearly a fan of the show, and someone very knowledgeable of where the show drew inspiration from — AND YET, they didn’t realize they were referring to the cultural group that two of the show’s MAIN CHARACTERS are based on with a slur.
So is Avatar /really/ good representation? Are BIPOC designs the same as BIPOC cultures?
I’m not saying that the show’s representation is meaningless, or that white creators’ fantasy stories should only draw from European cultures. I just mean that inspiring a thing and being represented by a thing are different things, and it’s important not to conflate the two.
Anyway, smarter people have written better things about this than me and I just wanted to put it in my own words. Go find them if you want to learn more.
If you’ll excuse me, I have to return to my own lane
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