So Chuck is the same guy who was harassing restaurant patrons for not showing sufficient fealty to the cause. Now he’s cheering on protesters attacking actual journalists while he tries to incite violence in response to a shooting where facts remain unclear.
He’s intentionally trying to incite violence in a predominantly minority neighborhood knowing he doesn’t have to live with the consequences. Just a bad person.
There is going to be violence and a riot in DC tonight because people like Chuck have no interest in the truth. Meanwhile, police account claims the person shot pointed a gun at police during a pursuit.
A normal person who wasn’t trying to encourage violence that will hurt people in that neighborhood would at least want to wait until we get body cam footage to confirm/dispute that account. Presumption can’t be that every police shooting is unjustified.
DC police have released first body cam footage from the officer involved. As usual, many of the rumors last night were wrong. Starts at 2m. Officer fired 1 shot at body (not 11 in the back as alleged last night) as the suspect threw his gun.
The officer then frantically went searching for the gun. It was quite a bit away in the grass. Need other angles to see moments preceding to be able to tell if suspect pointed gun or just threw it while running at the cops.
Here is the closest freeze frame I could get. At this second the suspect is running at the cop with the gun in his right hand, he is pivoting to throw the gun. The next frame camera looks lower so doesn’t show gun leaving his hands, but that’s when officer shoots him once.
Deaths are tragic. But I’m not sure what exactly people want a cop to do when a suspect is running at them with a gun in their hand. This clearly doesn’t go in the same category as George Floyd etc
Here is the full briefing including much clearer freeze frames than I have above (you can see suspect with the gun at 3:46). Recommend people watch and decide for themselves, but clearly not what was portrayed last night.
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