The police brutality thread surpassed 500

The murderers of almost every Black victim have NOT been arrested AND convicted

The companies continued business as usual without any change to accommodate Black people or show support for Black issues

I know NBA on pay attention.
Protestors still getting beaten, murdered, raped, trafficked, felony charges for demanding justice.

Your white friends still haven’t said a fucking peep or at least checked on you through all these traumatizing events.

They wouldn’t even speak up if you were present in rooms.
Your Black men, women and babies are still being the most poorly treated in the healthcare industry, as both workers and patients.

Your Black babies are still being coerced to serve a school system where they say it’s “safe” to re-enter schools knowing the risks of Covid.
Black people are blatantly telling us that they are the backbone driving these companies, being the benchmark for untapped industries, being asked to be the face of trauma olympics and not fairly compensated.

I ain’t trying to sound negative but these just the fucking facts.
But aye we settle for some justice t shirts and a pause in basketball, some voting arenas when it’s showing election voting is being swayed & some nice overpriced Zoom home schooling. Everything must be fine and acceptable. I ain’t mad if you enjoying it or feel hopeless.
I just feel it’s all bullshit if you ask me.

I feel like we got to continually be aware of the bs Black people are going through regardless if you’re in wealth Twitter, if you’re just trying to make ends meet, or center your mental through this. A lot of real issues out here.
As you go back to whatever you’re doing, just use this thread as motivation to secure some peace of mind, wealth, and awareness as you build a better life for yourself and your family if you’re Black.

If you’re not, do your part & use your privilege to help change some issues.
Idk how. I don’t got the answers.
You can follow @realroneilroi.
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