I seriously do not trust cis str8 yt men who were raised in this country. No matter how woke or l*beral or progressive they say they are.
But Anna, what about Alex?

He isn't str8, and he sure as hell wasn't raised in this country.
Like I have such a visceral reaction to a certain type of man. I can deal with the ones I know are awful right out the gate, but the insidious ones who say the right words & play at being woke. And then basically neg you into sex b/c they totally support non-binary people.
And you all know the type. The B*rnie Bro who will tell you he really likes to eat pussy, and understands why women feel threatened, he probably marched at a protest this summer.

Oops, is that unsolicited bullshit commentary, is there suddenly a hand on your thigh.
He just thinks you should respect yourself more, while spewing wildly contradictory dialogue about consent.

Eat the rich. Guillotines. Now you're trapped in his locked car & he's telling you about his manpain so you'll touch his dick.
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