Hellz yah! I am at 1000 followers🎉! Congrats to @GrantyNot for clicking "follow" at precisely the right time and THANK YOU to everyone who has made my time in the Music Twitter-verse so rewarding and full of joy🙏🙏

As promised, I will explain my moniker....🧵
So what is the meaning of 🍊Orange G🍊 you may ask? Welp, it is a dye. Folks have used it for decades to stain cells to highlight things like keratin in preserved tissues. It is also (according to Wikipedia) used as a pH indicator
I work in a lab as a molecular biologist. We use OrangeG as a dye when separating DNA by their sizes (it's all very CSI). OrangeG runs at ~50 basepairs of DNA. What is nice about it is that you almost _never_ need to see DNA that small, and so it is out of the way
Why would I use this for my moniker!? Well...it always just sounded badass (its initials are OG after all).
But it also fits.
OrangeG is the best dye that NO ONE uses. Everyone uses dyes that interfere with seeing DNA (e.g. those below). Thus, it is the best, but totally obscure
Do you see where I am going with this? Most scientists feel completely ignored, wallowing in obscurity. The parallels with music and art are actually quite similar. The whole concept of OrangeG thus embodies being really good but going unnoticed.
That's my story and I am sticking to it! Check out a new video, "Orion's Arrow" I uploaded to commemorate the 1000th follower! I finished this song yesterday/today, and was really happy with how the first take of shooting it went.
Also, if you are interested in joining my email list, check out the snazzy landing page that @MusicMarketingA showed me how to make...hats off to all the wonderful advice and tips he provides https://orangeg.ck.page/5d48f46e73 
Peace out y'all and thanks again for reading, listening, joking, interacting and encouraging...it means so much to me 🙏
You can follow @Orange_Geee.
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