Why is OFA not being investigated?
On December 20, 2018, according to Obama, Organizing for Action folded into the National Democratic Redistricting Committee. Obama said that the merger would create a “joint force that is focused on this issue of singular importance.”
In 2014, Dr. Joseph Piacentile, a man convicted of Medicare fraud and tax evasion in 1991, was seeking a Presidential pardon and, while his request was pending, sent a $100,000 check to OFA.
Samantha Malzman, an OFA fundraiser, requested that the check be returned to the same address but instead made out to America Votes, an OFA partner organization that does not disclose its contributors, thereby hiding Piacentile’s donation from the public
Mother Jones accused President Obama of joining “a long line of presidents to offer exclusive access for big bucks,” offering to large donors “exclusive perks unavailable to run-of-the-mill Obama supporters.”
OFA’s practices were “a fancy way of setting a price for access to Mr. Obama” and that “the frantic pursuit of big money makes it impossible to call this a grass-roots effort.” (NYT)
Obama: “OFA volunteers ... will provide the grassroots organizing capacity and mobilization that we’ll need to win state-level elections and move other initiatives forward ahead of the 2021 redistricting process...” https://www.politico.com/story/2017/10/23/obama-redistricting-fight-244049
Obama appears to be behind the anti-Trump protests. He praised recent demonstrations against Trump’s travel ban. And last year, after Trump’s upset victory, personally rallied OFA troops to “protect” his legacy in a conference call. “Now is the time for some organizing,” he said.
A host of familiar Democratic donors contributed to OFA. Composer-activist Philip Munger was at the top of the list with a contribution of $250,000. Levi Strauss heir John Goldman and Oracle Corporation heiress Nicola Miner each gave $125,000. https://www.huffpost.com/entry/organizing-for-action-donors_n_3072032
62,243 activists trained.
7,572,171 online trolls
154 chapters across the US
30,924 events

OFA training was rooted in the belief that anyone taking action or even thinking about taking action for the first time could become a change-maker... https://medium.com/allontheline/what-ofa-has-accomplished-and-the-fight-ahead-2c3190060f8c
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