1/ THREAD: Body Language Analysis No. 4457: Mike Pence reaction to Questions about Trump's Mini-Strokes — — Nonverbal and Emotional Intelligence #BodyLanguage #BodyLanguageExpert #EmotionalIntelligence #Pence #Trump #MiniStrokes #Stroke #Lying #Deception
2/ Yesterday, Mike Pence was asked about allegations some people have made regarding possible 'Mini-Strokes" Donald Trump may have had — and then Trump's defense of them. What follows is a nonverbal and paralanguage evaluation of that exchange.
3/ Beginning at 7:51 in the above-referenced video, Bret Baier asks:

"This refers to Michael Schmidt's book where he says the President went to Walter Reed which in fact happened in November of last year — ..."
4/ "... he says in the book that you were put on alert to take control, to take office essentially, if he went under for anesthesia. Is that true?"
5/ MIKE PENCE: Um, President DDDonald [stutter/drawn -out D] Trump is in excellent health. And, um, Bret I'm always informed of the President's movements and um, ah, whether it was on that day or any other day ..."
6/ "...ah, I'm, I'm [stutter] informed, but there was no [self-interruption] — there was nothing out of the ordinary a, about [stutter] that moment or, or [stutter] that day and I, I just refer the other question to the White House Physician."
7/ BAIER: "But as far as being on standby?"

PENCE: "I, I don't, I don't recall [multiple stutters]to be on *stand* *by* [sic] — I, I was informed that the President had a doctor's appointment and ahum, ah, I ..."
8/ BAIER: I don't wanna say too much now on it, but I just wanna clear it up ...

PENCE [over-talking]: But I'm must stay — yeah, I, I, I gotta, I gotta tell ya — [low stuttering] part of this job is you're always on standby — 'cuz you're Vice President of the United States..."
9/ "...Ah, but, ah the American people can be confident that, ahum, ah this President a, a [low stutter] is in remarkable [sic] good health and ah, ah, a, every single day I see that energy in high relief..."
10/ At 8:07, as Baier begins his question, note Pence's hand position: His fingers intertwined (feigning authority, but feeling frustration) and positioned over his groin. This is a seated Fig-Leaf (genital guarding) and betrays Pence's beta/protective/emotional discomfort.
11/ Pence then displays a cluster of notable body language:

• Inhales deeply (anxiety)
• Grabs the bottom corners of his suit jacket and tugs them (hyper-beta/hyper-protection)
• Displays a re-emphasized fig-leaf (emotional discomfort, beta, protective)

12/ Moreover, Pence:

• Looks down to his right

This is the quadrant to which we look during shame, sadness, guilt (remorse-guilt and complicit-guilt), and deception.
13/ In addition, Pence begins his answer with, "Um" and if you listen carefully, he stutters/draws out his "D" as he begins to say, "DDDonald". This signals deep anxiety.
14/ Pence then leans his torso toward Baier whilst suppressing a smile. He's also displaying an asymmetrical morphology with his mouth/lips as he speaks.
15/ Smiling out of context should always raise profound red flags. Should a president who is undergoing a medical procedure worthy of smile/jocking/laughing? No. Is a question about a then 73-year-old man's health inherently funny? No.
16/ Often when people lie, they smile to varying degrees. This is known as 'Duping Delight' because they take true joy-pleasure in the idea that their lie is being perpetrated successfully — or that they will escape their malfeasance with minimal or no punishment.
17/ These displaying these smiles, they will often put on airs of, "Oh, that's such a silly question, Bret". This is at once an immediate form of camouflage for their laughter/smiling — and also a form of gaslighting/manipulation.
18/ It's an incredibly common manipulative/gaslighting behavior pattern/default — particularly by superiors on subordinates — or by one spouse/partner upon another.
19/ Pence's torso leaning amplifies his, "that's a silly question" emotional feign. It also makes his smile somewhat easier to suppress (even though he's unsuccessful).
20/ During 8:21, as Pence says the word "excellent" ("Um, President DDDonald Trump is in excellent health) he makes a facial expression characterized primarily by:

• An Elevated Central Forehead Contraction
• A Partial (suppressed) Mouth Smile
21/ We all make this expression from time to time, those who make it frequently (as does Pence) have an extremely high correlation with sociopathy/psychopathy.
22/ If a person is answering a question or making a declarative statement whilst displaying this facial expression, their answer/statement, is, with extremely high probability, a lie.
23/ As Pence says, "Bret, I'm always informed of the President's movements and um, ah, whether it was on that day or any other day", Pence shakes his head side-to-side.
24/ This head-shaking no whilst speaking an affirmation ("I'm always informed") is contradictory. Whenever the body language is disparate from the verbal language, it's the body language that is speaking the truth.
25/ During 8:39, just after Pence says, "the White House Physician", he adopts an expression amalgam of:

• An Inward Lip Roll (suppressing strong emotions)
• Regret
• Mild Anger
26/ Pence then goes on to say, "I, I don't, I don't recall *stand* *by*". The manner in which Pence emphasizes "stand by" strongly suggests he was told something else (a synonym), just using slightly different nomenclature.
27/ The phrase "I don't recall", particularly when preceded by multiple stutters, is highly indicative of deception.
28/ If we look back just a couple seconds (8:42), as Pence says, "being told to", he is once again tugging the corners of his jacket in a protective/beta/emotionally uncomfortable tell while protecting his groin (fig leaf/genital guarding).
29/ Yet another jacket corner pull and groin protection display occur again after Pence [stuttering] says, "...yeah, I, I, I gotta, I gotta tell ya..." (8:53).
30/ As he says, "ahum, ah this President a, a [low stutter] is in remarkable [sic] good health", Pence once again displays a smile out of context together with a partial (suppressed) mouth smile while making a declarative statement/answering a question.
31/ The degree of Pence's stuttering and misspeaking is dramatic in this short segment. This behavior shouts volumes regarding the Vice President's level of anxiety.
32/ Pence's choice of words, "every single day I see that energy in high relief" is profoundly telling. — Baier never asked him about Trump's "energy". So why did Pence say Trump's "energy is high". This is a Freudian slip ... [Trump/his "energy"] "is high".
33/ SUMMARY: Mike Pence's verbal, nonverbal, & paralanguage behavior in this segment of the interview indicate he was lying with regards to President Trump's health. Pence was indeed put on some sort of alert in November of 2019 when Trump was brought to Walter Reed.

34/ In addition, Pence feels quite beta, emotionally uncomfortable, and protective. Moreover, Pence is absolutely lying regarding Trump's health. Pence does NOT believe Trump's health is "excellent" or "remarkable [sic] good". Pence thinks the exact opposite.

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