Cuitan si author ♡
Tersenyumlah wahai diri sendiri ♡
Hey, the old me.. Please don't go
♡ so love yourself.
Udah berusaha ketawa, haha hihi.. Tapi kok dada rasanya masih kayak di tekan keras banget sampe rasa pengen nangis, tapi nggak bisa
Perasaan ini nggak nyaman banget.

Aku harus apa?
Udah nyari kesibukan,

Tapi begitu udah nggak sibuk..

Murung lagi

Please be happy
"please be happy" ??

Why people keep ask me to happy when idk what am i happy for..
I should move on soon..

But why im still here?

Thinking of you??

What's on my mind? Ngga tau..
Donggeon, semangat yukk..

Senyum nih kayak gini nih..


Jangan sedih sedih teruss

Senyum kayak gini
Donggeon-ah.. You should check this thread..

I hope you feel better after read them :)
Aku nemu itu di timeline, dan mungkin cocok buat kamu
Semangat yaa~
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