Alright fellow humans! Due to (unexpectedly) popular demand, here's a little thread of lizard-brain hacks to help if you're feeling distracted/unmotivated/frustrated with work during COVID. If you can't take a break, here's some suggestions based on my research [THREAD]
TAG round 1: @1vortega @yxssmxn @PedroMMonarrez @LindsayLeaM @MeganHornseth @MSiobhanF @CallMeMO77 @Randi_R_A @GlacierGirlie @WaterAndHazards @LaurenEHostert [Please un-tag each other if replying to this thread so we all don't get flooded with notifications!!]
Historically, and clinically, treatments for Burnout are similar to that of situational depression because symptoms and outcomes are v similar. Your brain begins to get bogged down by the hum-drum of repetitive, un-stimulating environments that frustrate you. /2
So if you CAN'T take a break, you aren't suffering 'enough' to require medical intervention*, and you're in lockdown for the forseeable future, these little techniques can help a neurotypical brain think it's experiencing novelty and motivation again. /3

In my uber-popular comment thread, I suggested re-arranging your room, shifting the location (or even what direction you face!) of your work station, and putting on silly/power-ballad music to wriggle around to for a sudden-impact change in the environment. /4
Your brain will sense something new, go 'oh! A New Thing!' and switch on the focus. Voila! You might be able to work again.
Moving your phone out of the way/setting aside 'no social media time' for about an hour or two, and not doing other chores in that room, can help /5
Another demon to focus is a lack of structure. If your sleep schedule is all over the place, and your social media scrolling is happening when checking your emails, you're setting yourself up for a scattered mind. Even if you sleep in, have a routine when you wake up. /6
For example, no matter when I wake up, my routine is 'pat partner gently on the head, wash my face, drink some water, get dressed (into any clothes!), brush teeth and hair, water plants. Then, I check my emails, scroll socials for the news, and begin work approx. 1 hr later. /7
The 'pat partner on the head' & 'water plants' is because these things make me happy. A little slice of happiness each day is a great way to start, no matter what it is. Ticking things off a list, putting stickers in your planner - if it makes you smile, do it! /8
Obligatory 'sleep hygiene, health & wellbeing'. Don't go to bed with your notifications on, turn off all screens, don't overload yourself with sugar, and do some exercise - anything - to prevent RSI and becoming sedentary. Your body WANTS to be a potato* - don't indulge it!! /9
* - Ableist comments regarding 'being a potato' aside, I mean that the human body will be inactive, snug, and cosy all day every day if you allow it. This impacts your focus and motivation, too, because it's so easy to forget humans aren't SUPPOSED to hibernate. /10
In the Northern Hemisphere, winter will make it even more challenging. It's dark, cold, and (for some) quite miserable. This is when you lean into Hygge - being cosy. Warm-white fairy lights, scented candles, soft music, and hot beverages will make winter-work more pleasant. /11
Another way to promote mental novelty is through the 5 senses. A scented candle you use when working, a specific type of music (I use EDM/dance tracks, but whatever works for you) or even putting on a hat ONLY when working, can do wonders for your ability to switch 'on'. /12
TAG round 2: @pharmphreshsci @GwendolynErin7 @ClareHorscroft @Skaadenfroid @AmandaLiinds @DharleneValeda @JTbough @RobertCMahon @R_J_Gilmour @sschmoelzl @derek_detweiler @PowersMaura - Again, please un-tag others if replying to this thread so we don't get snowed under!
So, you've switched off anxiety-inducing social media and your desk is tidy and clean. How to motivate yourself? Well, time to contact a colleague! Have a 'boost' sesh where you talk about what you're up to, why you're doing it, and what you're looking forward to tomorrow. /13
Occasional reminders of your progress, and verbally reinforcing the reason behind WHY you're working during a pandemic in a closet, can spur you back into feeling excited about the job. I do unpaid academic work because I KNOW I'm helping someone. Anyone. This is for them. /14
'Fake it til you make it'. I used to ironically/sarcastically say 'omg this is great' when I hit my small toe on a table/spill coffee/write TERRIBLY. Eventually, I said it often enough I actually found the humor in it. Now I can actually smile through an AWFUL experience. /15
You have the power to convince yourself that you're having fun. Saying 'yay! More emails!' when your inbox makes that notification sound actually makes it feel exciting. Singing the 'replying to my Professor' song makes it a sesame-street-quality event rather than a chore 🤣 /16
Yes, you may feel ridiculous. And yes it's quite daft, but I would rather get strange looks from my neighbours if I sing 'the trash is spilling every-wheeere!' and laugh about it than to have my day ruined by bin-juice. Embrace the silly, it's better for your blood pressure. /17
And finally, my best move yet, is the 'programming duck'. You know how errors in code can be identified by explaining the issue verbally to a rubber duck? Take a childhood toy and make them your coworker. If you get stuck, feel free to rant at Pickles about it. It helps. /18
Pickles is a non-judgemental, plagiarism-safe sounding board for my issues and ideas. If I get frustrated and yell 'WHYY?!?!' at Pickles, I'm not hurting anyone, and usually that glassy-eyed stare I get in response is just the thing I need to have a light bulb moment. /19
As a researcher studying burnout and employee mental wellbeing - having worked in total isolation for three years BEFORE COVID hit - I can speak from experience when I say that ten minutes in the sun, a mouthful of spinach, and turning my childhood toy into a coworker, works. /20
(Yes, a literal mouthful of spinach. I don't have the energy to make a salad or a sandwich some days so I do what I need to for a healthy snack instead of a mouthful of chips. I regret nothing because it works. I hope some of these work for you!) /21
You can follow @MIKendrick94.
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