(1/4) I think everyone who grows up on the internet (esp girls deeply involved in fandom) goes through that period where they learn someone that they looked up to SUCKS. Sometimes to a malicious degree. There are a lot of teenagers who follow me, & I want you to know that...
(2/4) plenty of us just a bit older than you went through it too. Back in high school I threw out autographed posters, deleted m&g pictures, the whole nine yards. I'm sure other women in their 20s can speak to this too. It hurts. You feel misled. Don't let some adult who...
(3/4) didn't grow up online tell you you're overreacting. They had idols too, it was just harder to find out they were shitbags. I want to speak from experience and say that you will grow more confident in finding your own moral center both because of it, and in spite of it.
(4/4) If the person you thought spoke for you no longer speaks for you, fuck em. You can build each other up and be that voice your own damn selves.
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