Incoming rant/vent.

Since when is it actually okay to speak to the PRESIDENT like this??

Seriously yall - my patience is running out watching all these vile assholes get away with literal murder.

Barr and the DOJ need to get to it before Patriots do. That is a bad outcome.
All we are asking here is for the Department Of Justice to do the job they are tasked with. No more, no less.

I am sick and tired of the attacks. I am sick and tired of evil shitbags like Cuomo getting away with whatever they want while folks like me lose their
livelihood, income and possibly more.

Im and sick and tired of being ignored and treated like shit.

I am sick and tired of knowing the truth and watching Governors and Mayors torpedo innocent lives and communities.

If we can all see it, and any of us
could build a case, then Im pretty sure Barr and the DOJ can do the same.

I support Barr. I have since day one, but we are reaching a point where he needs to act. Lightfoot, Durkan, Wheeler, De Blasio - these mayors have RUINED beautiful American ..
cities. Cuomo, Whitmer, Wolf, Inslee, Cooper and many other Governors have destroyed millions of lives.

They continue to lie and push pure propaganda.

It. Is. A. Fucking. Insurrection.

Plain and simple.

Its a well coordinated and funded takeover of America and it is time
for this heinous bullshit to end.

Again - I trust the plan. I trust Trump. But I gotta be honest - the innocent lives and communities being destroyed for the plan will hopefully be taken care of when all this is over. People have given a LOT to this movement ...
to this country, only to watch it be destroyed all while losing our livelihoods or homes because of lies and DNC/MSM bullshit. I lost my business. My back is against a wall, and I am OVER IT.

At what point does this become a bit much? At what point do you yank the rug?
At what point do you step up and call this what it is - AN INSURRECTION.

Trump put Barr on blast for a reason with the “greatest AG ever or mediocre” remark. I personally believe he did that because he feels Barr is either hesitant or dragging ass.

I really really REALLY ..
like Barr, and I *want* him to go scorched earth. But understand - Ive been a conspiracy guy for 25+ years. I have researched a lot, and I am keenly aware of Barr’s past. If not for that, Id have no worries. But his past, and POTUS calling him out makes me a little concerned.
Im mostly venting here, folks. But Im gonna be honest - Im nervous .. Im scared .. Im worried as most with a sane mind are as they watch possessed demons run rampant on their country.

Im sick of masks. Im sick of HoaxVid, Im sick of people buying the bullshit, Im sick of ..
nothing being done about the MSM, or these Governors and Mayors. Im sick of watching LEO’s get dumped on left and right. Im sick of virtue signaling. Im sick of Liberals destroying everything that makes America - America. Im sick of fear mongering, but mostly?
Im sick of ignorant people with no soul telling me what is true. Im sick of worrying about how to provide for my family while Nancy fucking Pelosi goes and gets her hair done before throwing down on $16/pint ice cream right before she denies another bill that could help ..

Im disgusted. Im pissed off. Im disappointed. Im low on patience. Im low on empathy. And Im low on fucks to give for ANYONE who refuses to see the truth at this point.

Before anyone says Im being defeatist - fuuuuck no. I KNOW God wins.
I KNOW this plan is well laid. I have faith. I have conviction. I trust POTUS.

I am just *tired* yall. I am *weary*. I am venting because I firmly believe bottling shit up only makes it worse - ya know ... “serenity now, insanity later”.

I guess you could just say Im ..
restless, and I am past my breaking point watching POTUS, and America being disrespected and hated on a daily basis.

Thanks for letting me bitch yall - its rare, but it happens. And here is some advice; IT IS OKAY to be upset and vent. But let it pass.
Dont hold it. Dont let it take control. Acknowledge it, and let it go.

*straps positivity boots back on* 😎

Love and light yall. I love each and every one of you. 🙏🏻

Now that Ive vented and cleared all that shit out - time to head back to the front lines. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸
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