Somewhat related to my thread on The Poppy War and depictions of wars+violence in SFF

My lovely friend @Gotssclh has astutely noted that The Poppy War actually fits in the grimdark genre (which it is categorised as one), so here's another thread:
(1/?) The level of violence and gore in The Poppy War is actually to the norm compared to other grimdark works such as Godblind, Prince of Thorns, A Song of Ice and Fire, and Nevernight - yet The Poppy War receives a lot more heat for this
(2/?) Whereas all the other works I've mentioned above have received praise for it. I'm all for the "if it's not doing it for you, it's not doing it for you" but my problem is when TPW receives a lot of heat for these things white authors have received praise for
(3/4) When the things you take issue with in works by authors of colour are things you tolerate, perhaps even praise, in other books by white authors, you should really sit down and examine the double standard and bias you may have brought to the table reading them
(4/4) Closing this out because my intellect drive have just flown out the window, and this thread is probably the last thing I'll say about the discourse regarding The Poppy War.
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