My kids are in the kitchen cooking together. They are thinking about creating a blog about how badly the mess up various recipes.
I'm thinking I'm going to live tweet the rest of it. Note, they are making edible cookie dough.

~20th trip to the computer for the recipe "Milk to taste?!? What does that mean!?"
"Oh no" <- I van only guess
It is what it is
Keep beating it!
We can't mess this up more than we already have.
This doesn't look like the recipe.
We're following the recipe!
You know what this needs?
The milk!
We have officially failed.
Hey its not over till its over.
Keep beating!
Ok, we just need the chocolate chips.
Try it.
Running to the trash can to spit it out "Do you taste what I taste?"

At this point I have to wonder if u want to try it myself.
How many chocolate chips do we want? The whole bag?
Well, the suggested amount is 3/4 of a cup but however much we want.

There is some discussion about what the definition of folding is. FYI the laptop is out of power and no one is plugging it in.
Brief break for water to wash out the salt taste.
They are currently discussing successfully kitchen endeavors.

There's too many chocolate chips. <- how does that even happen?

Back to tasting.

Add in a few more chocolate chips.
They are done and serving now.

No, no, you get a spoon and make little balls! Like you are making cookies!
Not bad really. I mean I can definitely taste the salt but I can eat it.
Turns out the recipe called for unsalted butter. Guess what we had in the fridge.
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