It was always a criminal investigation not a counter intelligence investigation - Thread - The BIG Lie
Why did Manafort, Page, Papadopoulos and Flynn all have FARA investigations opened on them in Aug 2016? Think of it this way, if one of them was actually a Russian agent it would be a monumental counterintelligence (CI) failure for the FBI. That's 1 big reason FARA was used.
FARA blurred the CI vs Criminal boundaries and gave the FBI ALL authorities/tools of the FBI to SPY on the Trump campaign is another BIG reason
It also allowed all the authorities under Executive Order (EO) 12333 that directs US intelligence activities under a CI
In 2013 the FBI used Carter Page as a source to identify potential Russian Intel Officers who were then expelled. This is important because he would have immediately been identified by the Russians as someone who helped the US FBI CI team identify and expel their Russian agent.
Page had even self-identified to the Russians, in turn the FBI spun that in the FISA application and of course removed all references to Page assisting the IC in the materials for the FISA
Comey's mosaic was a mix of FBI/DOJ shenanigans, the Steele memos and rumors of Russians with Hillary's emails via Papadopoulos. The predicate to open on Page and his FISA warrant is fabricated garbage and they knew it, they used it to spy on the campaign
In the case of Page, the dossier alleged he was to receive payment from the Rosneft deal and they investigated alleged contacts between Page and Russian officials (Sechin) subject to US SANCTIONS. That's seems more like a criminal investigation
Manafort dealt mostly with Ukraine, that's why the Black Ledger was important. No one has yet seen what is in the Black Ledger that Poroshencko got for O'Biden that was made public August 9, 2016, 1-day before the investigation was opened
Earlier in July 2016, right before the FARA investigation was opened. Weissman and Zainab, who would play big roles on the Special Counsel (SC) were already looking into CRIMES that Manafort may have committed
What was in the Black Ledger (allegded financial ties w Russia) and was it used as predication to open on Manafort remains an open question
A big piece that's missing in all of CFH and in a CI investigation are Russian agents to be COUNTERED, that's why Comey told us Mifsud worked with the Russians. That's the predication for CFH and likely the predicate to open on George
In fact, nowhere in all of CFH are there any Russian agents required for a CI investigation, except for Rosenstein/Mueller's joke indictment of several Russian GRU officers for the hack of the DNC. Now you know why they did this, to make it seem like a CI
Calling CFH a FARA investigation in the title of the opening communication, meant Strzok and the FBI considered all 4 individuals to be in violation of the act requiring them to register with DOJ as foreign agents, and not CI threats
The predicate for opening on Flynn was a lie from Halper about Flynn having an affair with Lokhova and that much like Mifsud, she was a Russian agent or associated with Russian intel
Contrast the Flynn FARA Russia and the Flynn FARA Turkey investigations. In the Turkey investigation, as they are supposed to do, the DOJ sent Flynn a letter that he may need to file under FARA. No such letter was sent to any of the 4 under FARA Russia
A technique of CI is to turn potentially recruited agents against the Russians that attempted to recruit them. Instead, the FBI and the SC charged the targets with white-collar CRIMES or process CRIMES like lying to the FBI
In the case of @genflynn the smoking gun are the notes from Priestap, that shows the FBI debated about getting him to lie or getting him fired. That's not CI.
When Comey/McCabe sent the agents to ambush Flynn it was to see if they could get him to lie or admit he violated O'Biden's Logan Act. Yates was upset because she knew the interview damaged the CI cover, then she went to McGahn to say Flynn was compromised.
With that in mind, read this carefully….The only investigation that I'm aware of regarding Flynn-Russia was CFH/CrossFire Razor which @sidneypowell1 told us they kept open
No defensive briefings related to potential Russian agents in the campaign were ever given to Pres-elect or President Trump. If they thought Flynn was an agent of Russia they should have done a briefing.
Another piece of evidence that CFH was never a CI was Comey's testimony in Mar 2017 where he said he had been authorized by Sessions/Boente to announce that the FBI had initiated a CI investigation on the Trump Campaign
Problem was, that election was in November 2016, so what intelligence were they countering?
The last piece of evidence that CFH was NEVER a CI comes from Barr/Durham in the Clinesmith filing were they called CFH a FARA INVESTIGATION. So what does this mean?
EO 12333 signed in 1981 by President Reagan, was an EO intended to extend powers and responsibilities of U.S. IC . It permits collection, retention and dissemination of the following types of info obtained in the course of LAWFUL foreign intel, CI, int'l narcotics or terrorism
Again the activities in this EO are not be used for CRIMINAL investigations, though there is crossover. For a CI it allows for the FBI, CIA and other IC to coordinate, establish joint activities and synchronization. Sounds a lot like Brennan's Fusion cell doesn't?
CI's are directed by the President, VP, the NSC to thwart foreign influence
The culmination of the so-called CI Russian investigation was the ICA. It's important to understand who from the IC was pushing this. What was Brennan's role, Comey's, McCabe's, Clapper's. Notice (H) inform the AG
Remember this garbage? They couldn't get the timing straight via the investigation into Page, it started with the NYFO and CFH hadn't been established yet.
The NSA controls the SIGINT collection including assigning resources. Paul Sperry just posted this regarding chain of custody for the Flynn transcripts
It allows for open source info (Nellie Ohr/Fusion GPS), info not otherwise available to the FBI (Steele), protection from disclosure (Steele) and incidentally obtained info that is EVIDENCE OF A CRIME (Flynn transcripts)
To get the FISA the AG has to be the one to determine probable cause.
If I understand this correctly, regarding the Flynn transcripts, for a CI they can search the repository at will, however for a criminal investigation they're obligated to follow Title III regulations and would need a warrant for a criminal wiretap.
Comey said the transcripts were part of an intel product, according to Grenell it wasn't the IC's product. The NSC is not one of the 17 agencies in the IC, so what was the intel product?
Comey said it was in response to Russia's lack of a response, either way they are not likely to be legally acquired.

The transcripts were the basis for the interview, though they were careful to not show Flynn anything. However, they kept CrossFire Razor open.
If as Barr/Durham says that CFH was never a CI then all of these activities are in violation of criminal investigation regulations. The SC used these materials to prosecute Flynn, Manafort and Papadopoulos and others most likely illegally
If I'm right, there are major 4th amendment violations here for many or most investigated or were involved in the Trump CFH criminal investigation by the IC and the SC. There would also be a fair amount of perjury charges.
The big lie is CFH was never properly predicated, it was always a criminal investigation and that criminal investigation was to get President Trump. What a crap show. Will Barr/Durham do what's right?
If there were actual Russian agents involved or recruiting Trump team members then yes, that wasn’t the case however
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