i understand that people's mental health is important and it is good to step back and take time away when things are bad but tyler joseph's tweets demonstrate he is using his own mental health as an excuse not to talk about the BLM movement and offer his support - he has to
have no support to give, at this point. so many folks, millions of us, have struggled hard with our mental health through this lockdown, this pandemic - but millions of us have still come together to use our voices to share support and, jesus, just do the bare minimum and hit RT
and i think the fact that tyler is white does make his actions a little more insidious - did he stop to consider that maybe black folk struggling with their mental health are in an even worse situation than any of us n-b people can even comprehend? either he did, and still went
ahead and acted like his pain was more important than their wellbeing and livelihood, or he didn't, and that just shows how utterly and deeply tone deaf he is. i don't think there's any "saving" this guy man. there's no coming back after this
this thread is a lil incoherent bc im sleepy and its 1am lol but im. im just mad
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