Movers, Shakers and Breakers... Gaze mechanism simplified...
The seat of movers, shakers and breakers...
Dissecting saccadic intrusions...
Neural Integrators mathematically integrating(read calculus) the pulse wave of burst neurons(velocity signal) to a step wave ( position signal) act like sudden break...
The burst neurons always ready to burst a discharge(Accelerator floored)....Omnipause neurons keeping burst neurons under check till just before initiation of saccade (Clutch)...
If the burst neurons(accelerator) are dysfunctional ... saccadic initiation abnormalities ensue... if omnipause neurons are dysfunctional(clutch), burst cells get disinhibited and saccadic intrusions result
When the Neural integrator is leaky (brakes fail) ... eyes drift back slowly due to viscoelastic forces of the eyeball...immediately corrected by a burst discharge(accelerator)..Nystagmus ensues!
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