Some immigrant families, like parts of mine, didn’t come to this country believing they should change the system. Those conversations have been the hardest for me. The “system” has worked for them. And since they “don’t want any problems” they have sheltered themselves from...
...demanding social change. Even though they haven’t been exempt from discrimination & have experienced consistent Islamophobia, they’ve come to accept bigotry because of their gratitude for an “opportunity” provided to them by this country. They’d rather..
..tolerate hate—it’s their way of showing their appreciation to this country. When I tell them that their siloed success & their version of humility translates to them being complicit, they remind me my version of oppression is being ungrateful.
I’m running out of ways to tell them their earned citizenship is not just about “you’re safe-to-stay here” but okay to fully participate in democracy.

Idk. Maybe I’m speaking from the privilege of my born citizenship. Or overthinking my role as an activist. Idk.
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