Conspiracy or fact? TheFrench government with the blessing of the EU are deliberately facilitating illegal immigration to Britain to weaken Boris and the Conservatives in the polls to heap pressure on the Conservative government and Boris. 1/4
All in the hope it could force Boris out of office in a possible leadership challenge maybe even forcing a general election and installing a pro EU PM who’d call for another referendum or delay to negotiations at best.
Boris and the Conservatives 2/4
Need to get tough pronto or they are toast.
French riot police clear illegal immigrants of the streets of Paris and then they make their way to Calais & on dinghies to British benefits and hotels.
Remember there’s lawyers who hinder every deportation.3/4
It’s almost impossible due our laws and lawyers and our British way of following rules when everyone around us breaks them especially France and other EU countries.
We will soon see a stampede across the channel due to in action.
We need immediate action now!
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