cw: ableism , self harm ment

autistic people are constantly taught to be ashamed of themselves and adopt behaviours and mannerisms which are really difficult to uphold and it'll always make me so sad and angry. (thread kinda)
the number one cause for me self harming has been meltdowns and sensory overloads which i couldnt outwardly alert anyone of to help me because i was too ashamed of them.
i've felt so deeply ashamed of talking about my interests that i've stopped talking to people entirely, because i thought everything i said was annoying, everything i was interested in was embarrassing and cringey, every reaction i had was either lackluster or too much.
autistic peoples lives are so governed by shame, and its awful. for people who live in a world designed against us, we have to carry a lot of burden on top of that, of trying to hide our frustration and make it palatable. autism is nothing to be ashamed of. ableism is.
there was no real point to this thread. i just want to vent my frustrations and make sure they're heard. allistic people seem to think we're robots, and thus refuse to empathise with us. it's hard out here, just please be considerate.
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