Despite an enormous public outcry @fundly is hosting fundraisers for #KyleRittenhouse. We've heard that email is best: [email protected]

Before you report this thread to @TwitterSupport, nothing violates any ToS bc people posted their own info & FBs on the fundraiser🤷‍♂️
The new #KyleRittenhouse fundraiser is hosted by Jaymon Dowell of Gastonia NC, proud father of 10 children & newly married. When he's not fundraising for murderers he's eating hot sauce straight:

Not sure where đź’µ is going but it'd be hilarious if a scam
Robert Higginbotham, an over-the-road truck driver from maybe Ohio? gave $100 and posted his fb profile pic on #KyleRittenhouse's fundraiser. If only Robert were as nice to humans as it sounds like he was to beloved pupper. RIP lil doggo:
Then there's Chad Kurth, who gave $100 & has some really stupid ideas that all of the protests are staged by some camera crews. Think crisis actors, complicated filming angles, & more for some ungodly dumb reasons: via 
Finally, there's Galena Kisselev, of Staten Island, NY who donated $54 to this random fundraiser. Confusingly, she's very v pro-trump but also a supporter of #BELARUS uprising. 
Here's the full list of donors who spent their money on Jaymon's scammy-looking #KyleRittenhouse fundraiser after the kid shot three people, murdering two at the #KenoshaProtests for #JacobBlake & #BlackLivesMatter
Here are the supporters aka folks who didn't donate but shared Jaymon's #KyleRittenhouse fundraiser on their social media. Take a look & see if any of your facebook friends are supporting a murderer

Also, share this thread @Fundly via [email protected]

Thanks again to everyone who's sending in tips & info! We are swamped & we are trying to get through everything as fast ap

Everyone has a role to play in keeping their community safe from fascists & we deeply appreciate everyone stepping up. Stay smart, & see you in the streets
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