Hey, y'all...just wanted to let y'all know that @CookOut got my order right today.

Now, what I should've done was go to @HarrisTeeter and get me one of those little single serving salads for dinner tonight. Instead, I was going to be bold and get something I really wanted.
So I calculated that since it's Wednesday, it's meatloaf night at Home Plate. I pulled in the drive thru and came up to the window and asked for meatloaf with a roll, mashed potatoes and gravy, and cucumber salad.


Why they give me fish?
I've tried almost everything on their menu. The fish ain't good. If I was a most devout catholic and going in on Friday during Lent, I would order a vegetable plate.

So, now I gotta find somewhere who serves meatloaf on Thursdays because my craving has not yet been satisfied.
Fish. Ugh. And it's not that I don't like fish. I trust the @gortonsseafood fisherman. I've got some in the fridge right now. I like the Harbor Inn in Burlington. I liked Kemp's when they were nearby. The seafood restaurant at the @NCFarmersMarket was good the last time I went.
I love Home Plate to death, y'all. If you like soul food, good country cookin' then please go! Don't get the fish. The chicken and dumplings on Wednesdays is good. I like the country style steak, the fried porkchop, chicken and rice
no fish. Please.
The meatloaf is okay. I don't pay $7.50 for a plate full of food expecting the Chez Louie. I just wanted meatloaf. Wednesday they have meatloaf, and I wanted it, and they gave me fish. I could've gone to Hog Heaven...they do meatloaf on Wednesdays too, but Home Plate is cheaper.
I think about three, maybe four of my friends will actually read this, and thank you for being there for me. I really appreciate it.

But what I really need is meatloaf. If y'all know of anywhere on Thursdays in town I can get meatloaf, let me know.
TBH I'm actually just considering making my own meatloaf. I cheat. I get the "meatloaf seasoning" packet and basically follow the recipe on the back. If you've got a really good recipe instead of a restaurant suggestion, I'll take that instead.
I know I'm quickly approaching 10 tweets in this thread, and it's greatly devoid of content, so again, I thank you for sticking with me through this. It means a little to me.

I had a craving, and instead of getting what I was craving, I got the total opposite of what I wanted.
Hey, does anyone remember when I used to blog? I mean, it was almost as exciting as this Twitter thread. Yeah, I would ramble on into the void about nothing. This thread is reminiscent of that.

See, back then you couldn't actually thread tweets the way you can now.
Back then tweets were limited to, what...140 characters? I'm too lazy to look it up right now, but yeah. Twitter has come a long way since the Stephen'z Blog days.

Anyway I think I'm done with this thread. Send me your meatloaf recs. Thanks!
Guess I burned up all my drive thru good luck at Cook Out today. That's what I was saying in my first tweet.

All I can think about is meatloaf.

Ok. I'm done for real this time.

Wait...okay. Yeah. I'm done.
I've had the catfish at Hog Heaven...it's not bad. I wouldn't go out of my way for it. They put too much ketchup on top of their meatloaf, but...yeah. You can scrape it off if that kind of thing bothers you.

Ok. That's it.

I'm pretty sure that's it.
It's whiting they serve at Home Plate. I typically like whiting. It's got a good not-too-fishy flavor. Fish is one of those things you can't sit under a heat lamp or on one of those cafeteria steam bath trays, whatever they're called.
I've talked about it too much, now I want meatloaf and some good whiting. So, I'm open to good recommendations for both meatloaf and whiting.

Anybody know about Salt Box? Ooh, they're next to Q Shack...I think they do meatloaf sometimes.
I'm gonna look like a squirrel now on Durham-Chapel Hill Blvd. trying to decide which craving I want to satisfy first.

I probably will go with my oldest craving first, then come back and take care of the whiting later.

I'm glad we had this talk.
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