There are many troubling differences in how the media covers partisan issues but I’m stunned at recent coverage of political violence.

At left, you have a complicated case alleging self defense. At right, a cold blooded murder.

The other variable? Politics. CC @CNN

You likely already know the backstories involved but on the left is the Kenosha shooting, which killed 2. The accused - a Trump supporter - has claimed self-defense.

At right, a member of Antifa is accused of killing a man for being a Trump supporter.

But don’t tell @NPR.
And their key voice, @Yamiche, pushed the same narrative without evidence, as if Rittenhouse had walked up to a protest and started randomly firing.

But on Portland? Yamiche goes silent.
@nytimes went out of their way to demonize the shooter in Kenosha, while simultaneously both-sidesing the “clash” in Portland.

Absent this tweet is the fact that, in the latter, a Trump supporter was targeted and executed for visibly being one.
@nytimes even did an interview about how the **side that had just shot a political opponent for no apparent reason** felt unsafe! Because of the same group they had just shot and killed a member of!
I know I started with them, but another one from @CNN. We’ve got passive voice for a murder in Portland, and it’s Trump who is the bad guy in all this.

But the guy killed in Kenosha after attacking a man with his skateboard is a hero (his backstory is...dubious).
@thedailybeast also has a hagiography for the guy who was shot and killed after attacking Rittenhouse with a skateboard. No mention of the history of domestic violence.

But for the Trump supporter? The “he had it coming” tone couldn’t be more clear.
@Washingtonpost with the reminder that “news analysis” should be struck from the face of the earth. They did the same absent-attribution both-sidesism about the Portland shooting.

Something tells me that if it were a Biden supporter shot dead, that detail would be in the tweet.
Same thing out of @AP. Readers are left to wonder who died as a result of the pro-Trump rally, to hear it from them.

But Trump’s comments about Rittenhouse are worth a fact checking.

Something tells me we won’t get a fact check about the Portland shooting.
@MSNBC really went to work on this. In Kenosha, they see the ever-present white supremacy.

In Portland? I shit you not, they said that a pro-Trump demonstration “appeared to contribute to violent clashes in the city.”

Could the victim blaming be more egregious?
@MSNBC also tapped in many of their key voices and guests on the show.

Here’s resident conspiracy theorist @JoyAnnReid, who said the Kenosha shooter acted “like he had the power of life and death over anyone he chose.”

Still no follow up on the good actors on Portland.
This tweet from @JoyAnnReid, wrong to begin with, has aged...poorly.
@CBSNews got in on the action too. More faux outrage over @TuckerCarlson.

No telling who was shot and killed, or who might have done the shooting and killing. I suspect that if it had been anything but an Antifa member at a BLM protest killing a Trump supporter we would know.
It wasn’t just the media. @AyannaPressley asserted, without evidence, that the shooter in Kenosha was a white supremacist. The ADL investigated & found no support for this claim.

Ms. Pressley has never once tweeted about Portland, including the targeted killing.

Wonder why?
@JoeBiden did the same thing, essentially blaming a Trump supporter for his own murder.

The leader of the Democratic Party.
@ChrisMurphyCT went on @MSNBC to suggest the President of the United States was encouraging violence by pointing out the obvious.

He’s also ignored Portland (except the town in CT).

Can’t imagine why that is.
There were more legislators, but I’m short on space. Here’s @RepDonBeyer doing the same as Murphy (just with Kellyanne Conway as subject). Still nothing about Portland.

Why are Democrats silent on the politically motivated killing in Portland?
And of course, the usual cast of galaxy brain blue checks got involved. The most egregious might be @MaxBoot.

Rittenhouse is a terrorist. The Trump supporter had it coming. Shameful.
You’ll be shocked to see @TheRevAl adding fuel to the fire.
It wouldn’t be a thread without @JRubinBlogger.

The white supremacy canard is back. We have a pandemic of it! In Portland, her only concern is Trump. As ever.
For @mehdirhasan, the real problem with a politically motivated execution is that it’ll make the news cycle worse, it seems.
The bros at @PodSaveAmerica had Big Thoughts, as usual.

Trump’s “defense” was to point out something obvious - Rittenhouse would be dead but for his last two shots. To the bros, the problem in Portland is - you guessed it! - Trump.
This shouldn’t be difficult. Whatever your thoughts are on the shooting in Kenosha, the idea that it was a deliberate, politically motivated murder just doesn’t hold water.

It shouldn’t be asking a lot to not go easier on something that is.

The hypocrisy is jarring.
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