it's #BiVisibilityMonth so here's a long ass thread.

1) I'm catastrophically bi so if you don't like that, unfollow me

2) if anyone tells you to stop talking about Bi Pride they aren't an ally, and you don't owe them a damn thing
3) dating someone of the opposite gender? still bi.

4) you don't have to "pick a side"

5) bisexuality does not always mean strictly 50/50 split between your levels of attraction to each gender!!

6) straight-presenting bisexuals aren't any less LGBTQIA+
7) bi erasure is real, so yell & shout & sing & scream about being bi.

Bi erasure contributes to the following points, as the less accepted bisexuality is, the more it's coveted by people who have a fantasy about what it's like to be bi.
8) bisexual people on dating apps are fetishished as being 'unicorns' for (often) straight couples seeking a threesome, as if we're some kink rather than a real person
9) also in dating apps women or men sometimes get into a conversation with a bi person and only mention that they want a threesome when they've formed a connection, effectively catfishing them. It's distressing, disappointing, and makes you feel objectified as hell.
10) bi women in pop culture have their attraction to other women frequently fetishished and exploited. This is basically to appease the male gaze in fiction, and therefore irl, and it's fucking tiring (see Li*m Payn*'s song Both Ways)
11) bi men are real for fucks sake we didn't need a scientific study to verify what they've been saying and proving and living for centuries
12) we're not sex addicts who are *only* attracted to different genders because we can't get enough of sleeping with other people
13) you're not "confused" or "going through a phase", bisexual is who you are, and it's beautiful. ❤️💜💙
You can follow @zoe_dels.
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