A short story on lies and deception

You give them an inch, and they'll take a mile and proclaim they saved you from death

Devs please be aware who you're dealing with

$BAND and the CZ crew manipulate retail investors with misinformation propaganda, this is what they do
Remember when Justin Sun unironically called $BAND "the most valuable oracle product on the market" and Band retweeted without a second thought?
The same $TRON that plagiarized their whitepaper and shamelessly copy/paste dApps and push false information about its adoption

The very same $BAND that copy/pasted Chainlink VRF and then (unsuccessfully) tried to cover it up

Bad actors stick together
Even news articles about $BAND, which always have "$LINK killer" or some other mention of Chainlink in the title, have a debunking section on Band's lies that they try to push to the public
You can follow @ChainLinkGod.
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