This month is about #SuicidePrevention . Some of you may already know, but my brother, Tanton, took his life four days ago. He was fifteen. This is just a short thread of some things about him.
1. He recently made the tennis team at McKinney High School. He actually won a match last week.
2. He knew how to ride a unicycle, a bike, and Ripstick. I was going to teach him how to drive a car this year.
3. He could ski really good. We would go to New Mexico and Colorado to ski and he would go on the black diamonds.
4. Out of me and my siblings, he was the best at speaking Mandarin. He was in China last summer.
5. His favorite place to eat was Chick-fil-a. His favorite meal was the Pepperjack Deluxe sandwich with fries. Never soda though, he hated soda.
6. He played the violin for four years. He was in an orchestra.
7. He was really adventurous. He liked to hike, rock climb, and do things outdoors.
8. He loved animals and visiting the zoo. He also liked to climb the statues of all the animals. We would stop and watch him climb each one.
9. He was one of my biggest supporters. He’d come to watch me present at conferences and visit me when I was away from home.
10. He was so strong. He was a normal person. He was struggling. Sometimes he had more bad days than good. But he still kept smiling.
It’s okay to struggle. It’s okay to feel alone. It’s okay to be angry, or frustrated, or cry. But it’s also okay to admit that you’re not doing okay.
Please check up on your loved ones. Not just this month, but whenever you have the chance. And if you ever feel alone, please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-8255. Or contact the Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741
You can follow @hannahh_lin.
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