People need to stop pretending like medication abortion is dangerous, and start talking about what it really means to have a uterus. The uterus is a fucking BEAST of an organ and it does A LOT. Having a uterus means having fun health issues that are WAY WORSE than abortion.
Endometriosis alone is fucking A LOT. Then cysts. My god! Cysts—I document medical and pregnancy history as part of my job and the cyst stories I’ve heard make my jaw drop to the floor. Those things get huge and burst and cause searing pain.
Then there’s ectopic pregnancies which can be fatal, and MOLAR pregnancies, which can be cancerous! Nonviable pregnancies can become molar and TURN INTO TUMORS!!! You can get pregnant with potentially cancerous tumors.
And those are abnormalities. The normalities ain’t good either! First, menstruation is literally a shitty evolutionary function to rid the uterus of weak embryos, but it can become a debilitating illness, sometimes only treatable through birth control, extraction, or ablation.
My mom had terrible periods. She used to practically hemorrhage. I would stand in the bathroom doorway while my mom gushed blood and asked me to get things to help her. So please don’t tell me that medication abortions are worse than any of this, because they’re not. I know.
I haven’t even touched on how fucked up pregnancies are in long-term, and how dangerous and life-changing they are. I won’t even go there because that topic is too vast, but I can leave you with the statistic that a full term pregnancy is almost 15x more dangerous than abortion.
What I want is for people to normalize abortion and everything that the uterus does. Normalize all pregnancy outcomes, including delivery types, miscarriages, ectopic, and molar pregnancy treatments. Normalize periods. Normalize endometriosis and cysts. Normalize it all.
Think of how much of our population has a uterus. Then think of how people don’t even understand the uterus when it’s functions are a routine part of personal health for so many. That is messed up!

** Also notice that I didn’t say woman once in this thread, AND SO CAN YOU /mic
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