Thread on why I hate flemish people and spilling the tea about all of the racist flemish cunts i met ever since moving to Belgium.
Disclaimer: Before reading this please keep in mind I am speaking from my experience and i am only talking about the ones I met or ever heard about them being racist.
• I am a white immigrant in Belgium, but still white.
• If you feel offended, then you’re probably the problem
I don’t even know where to start, once I found out about Sanda’s story I felt like I need to write it, even though it t gave my anxiety attack i still feel like I need to speak up, I’ll never feel half as bad as he did, please say his name out loud #JusticeForSanda
Starting from an old friend story: refusing to go to the club, where asian people were because she doesn’t want to get corona (?) and Brussels is full of them and at the same time fetishising some kpop idols, make it make sense
2013: my mom, also white wasn’t allowed to ride a bus because she said good morning in french instead of flemish, simply because she doesn’t speak Dutch and told to go back to her country, not really a racism but discrimination coming from white to white lmao
one of flemish guys I went on date with said something that made me freeze: h*tler was right and how Belgium would be a better place if poc weren’t here, imagine how uncomfortable it made me feel, I obviously didn’t continue the whole date lmao
another bus driver (flemish) lmao they overestimate their power in this country: racist remarks about one poc in the bus and her kids as well + classic: go back to where you came from, later on she said she was born in Belgium 🤡
2018: I was hanging out in the club with some friends when their friends (flemish) joined us and started to shit on poc bartender + talking shit about some white supremacy 🤮
Apple store 3 months ago: older lady made remarks about my tattoo (in chinese) saying asians are like plague all over this country and are the reason people die bc of covid, the same thing happened once I was walking my dog lmao (not sure if both were flemish but one for sure)
Basically everytime you take flemish bus whether in Flanders or Brussels, if the driver is flemish their often mean if they find out you dit speak flemish it if your accent isn’t 100% fine, mostly to poc sadly.
There’s many more examples I could drop here, but so far all of these I met were very open about their racism and about white supremacy.
Sanda died from hands of people who weren’t sentenced, just because they’re white rich, flemish or not this should never happened-
My tweet isn’t to shit on flemish people, it’s to show you that racism is a common problem among them, most of them are often rich who have lots of connections.
I can’t believe there are parents who can easily slide some money just to clear their kids name, a murderer’s name-
How can you sleep at night knowing your children killed someone and shared photos of them suffering in the group chat, how do you look in the mirror knowing you took away someone’s life-
The reason why they weren’t sentenced is because their white and rich with connections.
They should rot in jail, Sanda was only 17 and had a promising future, his murderers managed to finish their studies wnd get jobs just because they come from wealthy families-
I once again repeat I speak from my experience and if you feel offended by what I said you’re probably part of the problem.
Please let everyone know, please share petitions to sign for him as well as for everyone else who’s died because of racism and/ or discrimination-
All over the world, not only in Belgium but everywhere.
+ I am sorry he wasn’t 17, but does it really matter?
Here are the names, please twitter do your thing and make sure they get what they deserve as well as their parents and everyone who is responsible for the whole issue teachers, lawyers, judges I don’t care
Also sorry for the amount of misspelling in this thread but I am so mad, can’t believe nobody spoke up about that for two mf years
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