The most insufferable thing about film twitter is the constant "uhm no, my bias towards a movie implies that I have the superior and moral taste".
Hating/disliking _____________ (fill it in) doesn't mean you're a more well-rounded, better person with a greater insight into the struggles/identity/moral center of the universe. It just means you have a specific taste.

Shit, Batman Forever is the best Batman movie don't @ me.
This shit is why I hated comic book discourse for the longest time. Hell, the growth of the Youtube Video Essayists plague any kind of intellectual conversation because now people hold specific talents at a much higher regard than their own personal judgement.
I love The Last Jedi - it honestly managed to make Luke's entire story remind me of Kingdom Come AND myself dealing with my own depression. But I'm not going to disparage Boyega for feeling like he was sidelined in the movie - because I see why he feels like that.
That also said, that acknowledgement of TLJ's failings doesn't allow the people to who hate the movie to claim some kind of victory. Like, fuck, really? A man, a hell of a talent, pours his heart out to the world to speak on an actual problem and your reaction is, "I WAS RIGHT!"
Me liking Raimi Spider-man, MCU Spider-man, and the Sequel Trilogy doesn't make me better than anyone else. Fuck. I am an idiot. I say stupid shit a lot. But for fuck's sake, y'all are so damn tiring lately. If it isn't the Raimi bros starting their shit again it's something else
The whole congress of film/comic book/fandom twitter has de-evolved into a bunch of gatekeeping cliques. The "No True Scotsman" bullshit that is so toxic that it drives people away. These cliques create echo chambers within their communities with a cult like mentality.
I simply piss of Spider-Bros repeatedly by saying, "I like Spider-man being on the Avengers" OR "I'm fine with changing the material in service of a better, more substantial story". Because that doesn't ruin a character to me. Believe me: 616 Spider-man is a mess enough.
This shit is why Kylo Ren exists. It's why he shouldn't be redeemed. No, this isn't me giving JJ Abrams crap; but he's so clearly designed to be the most obtusely, insufferable fan boy who deeply resents the thing he claims he loves and respects.
Here's a recommendation: be a fan of something. Or don't like something. "This makes me feel like _____, because of ______" But whatever it may be, just don't be an asshole about it. And if you're going to criticize it, actually use what's being presented in the thing.
"Well the director said_______", "Well this movie is clearly invoking______"; man, if it's not there, then it's not there. There's room for interpretation but if a larger section of your ceiling is missing... then you don't have a damn roof. Just a big ass hole.
Anyways, I was getting tired of a lot of shit lately and I needed to vent. Please listen to people when they have something to say, if I speak out of turn just tell me upfront. I am trying to do my best to be opinionated but supporting while never stepping on other people.
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