People who think salongate is a nothing story don't have a clue and are incredibly out of touch
And why?

Because from the comfort of their fake news perch, they've been completely isolated from the rules they've cheered on for others

They haven't needed a stimulus check to get by
"We're all in this together" ...except they've had a pay check this entire time

They are "doing their part" by...eating outside> While bartenders are out of work and restaurants close and will never come back
And all of these "sacrifices" that us "essential workers" in DC brag about making...for what?

Something that Pelosi clearly doesn't believe in. It's safe enough for her to go inside a salon sans mask

Meanwhile, Americans can't even bury a loved one or visit them in the hospital
Talk about lack of "empathy."

Democrats have made lives miserable for so many Americans. For far too long.

President Trump has been calling to open up since Easter, and his administration has done everything they can to help states make that happen and get kids back in school
Every move Democrats make is political.

It's not about "science" or "experts." It's about power and their internal polls.

And Americans are tired of it. Even, apparently, in San Francisco.
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