As I was watching @ZLanerOFFICIAL and @drdisrespect side-by-side, I took some notes for the masterclass of co-streaming.

0/5, in no particular order. Anyone have more to add?
1. Ask questions, interview. You're podcast cohosts. "What's your favorite gun after the drop?" Interview questions like "What's your favorite Call of Duty?" On a low action period, Doc comes in with "Ever thought about growing out a ponytail?" That's host entertainment skill.
2. Get a new perspective for your audience. Doc used Z's Kilo setup. He took an honest backseat and asked for Z's expertise. This interaction gave Z the space to introduce himself to Doc's audience.
3. Know each other's audience. Z did a great job playing to Doc's character. He rolled with it in an improv "YES, AND..." style. Great entertainment value and gives both hosts space to do their thing.
4. Know the rhythm of streams and when to break from being a cohost, pivot your chair, and independently address your audience. Both Doc and Z instinctively know those windows where they directed their attention to their respective communities.
5. Set timing expectations and stick to it. Doc does this well. The Z+Doc collab started on time and ended on time. The timeboxing keeps things more interesting. Think of it as an episodic format. If you can't fill the entire time with good content, better to shorten.
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